By obtaining land globally to grow hundreds of varieties of fruit trees, Project Green Foot (PGF) will develop a food forest/homestead in the efforts of conserving the natural world in harmony and accordance to nature.
View some of our plans below.
Once we are fully established with fruit trees and vegetables growing on the property, we will begin to offer tours and retreats for guest to experience the property. Guests will experience how food is grown, harvested & prepared on site. Food services will be offered thru companies and organizations for hire, which share the same principals and objectives as PGF. Guests will participate in harvesting ingredients to eat in a natural setting and participate in the process of creating meals, learn how to compost any waste, and learn methods of saving/ storing & re-planting seeds that were harvested from their meals. PGF will require volunteers and guests to eat produce harvested on the property of PGF grounds on site; leaving 75-100% of seeds from their meals to be re-planted that were not consumed during their meals.
This in turn will accomplish our goal of creating a self-sustaining recycle experience using the established food the land created.
No form of toxic chemicals will be used on the properties we obtain. The vegetation will be 100% organic and non-GMO. The fruit trees developed will be for food and conservational purposes. PGF will conserve the variations of plant species while providing essential habitat for plant and animal species. The fruit trees will provide food for the public and wildlife. 10% of the land development will be dedicated to native species of animals, natural pests and disasters. 90% of the development/produce will be utilized for the natural ecosystem, human consumption and educational purposes.
"If all the beast were gone men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beast also happens to man. All things are connected, whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth." - (Si'ahl) Chief Seattle
We value the importance of biodiversity within the ecosystems we are conserving. The definition of biodiversity (biological diversity) is the variety of plant and animal life on earth or in a particular habitat. Insects, marine life, birds, reptiles, mammals, marsupials and more all play a valuable role on earth. With the network of life brings total balance. The earth mother provides a diverse network of life force energies that coincide with one another.
As we stated in our "Natural Methods" section, PGF will conserve the variations of plant species while providing an essential habitat for plant and animal species. While doing so we plan to allow the natural balance to occur with animal species and "pests". We understand the more diverse the ecosystem the more balance and harmony will occur, which in turn will create a natural rhythm/ cycle for the lands we will conserve.
“If you talk to the animals, they will talk with you, and you will know each other..."- Black Elk
Pests commonly hold a misconception about them. Often times pests hold a negative view from crop destruction and or attacking livestock, however, they can be a key role in offering the opportunity of balance and harmony, if we keep a diverse environment available for them. The more "mono" or singular an environment is, the more susceptible an unbalanced ecosystem.
PGF is looking forward to offering educational projects for guests that visit our locations, to learn all about species diversity and their essential role to the lands we conserve. We believe the more informed the public is to the natural world the more harmony and value will be granted with mankind's understanding of nature.
We envision having tours of the land showing people the animals that are freely abundant on site and in action. We can show how predator and prey relationship benefits the land and brings balance while learning of the plant life surrounding us.
Living off the land is living in harmony and surrender to the Mother. PGF would like to build (5-10) small / tiny houses that are completely off grid. The tiny homes will be offered on the properties for volunteers, investors and guest that are passionate and interested in helping and learning the objectives PGF holds.
Individuals that will be volunteering their time on the property will have housing available to them. All houses will be completely off grid, powered by water or solar panels. We are open to learning and applying all clean effective energy methods for our facilities. Compostable toilets will be offered in each facility. Housing will be for investors, work exchange/volunteers who want to offer their skills. Skills we are interested in are, horticulture, biologist in wildlife & conservation, indigenous ways of living, off grid and wilderness enthusiasts, carpenter, midwife, seamstress, electrician, mind and body wellness enthusiast, raw foodies and many more that will aid the development of PGF goals and adjectives.
Want to help bring these plans into action? Click the link below and donate today!